Outdoors is a beautiful place where nature is at its best. While the places where you can spend time in the bosom of nature seem to be very safe, there are some precautions that every person, even an experienced tourist or camper has to take. A first aid kit is absolutely essential even for the shortest outdoor excursions. A simple collection of antiseptics, bandages, and hydrocortisone should meet the needs of most minor injuries. For more serious injuries, a mobile phone will prove to be very valuable or know the locations of the nearest mobile phones, which provide support for ranger stations.
In addition to having a first aid kit and a way to communicate, the best way to protect yourself from the dangers in the open air is to get to know the area where you are camping or hiking. You wouldn’t want to be thrown away in the middle of a huge city you didn’t know and the forests should be treated with the same respect. Knowing your region, the climate at this time of year is very important. If you don’t have the right clothes that can withstand the weather, you and your family can suffer a great deal of damage. Remember that many areas where temperatures can change by as much as 40 to 50 degrees between day and night. To help you combat temperature changes, the right equipment can make life in the field a little easier. There are tents and sleeping bags designed for specific temperature ranges to help keep your body temperature at a safe level. Hypothermia and heat depletion are two serious concerns that easily happen to unprepared campers and tourists.
Another point of interest is food and water. Your body will need water to survive. At least 2 litres of water must be available every day in order for the body to maintain its water supply. Although it can be obtained from streams, wells and other natural resources, it is always a good idea to add some bottled water to the packaging. Dried foods can also be packed in packaging that is usually light, such as MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) and dried fruit and vegetables. A little research can also provide you with naturally occurring sources of food for the area you are planning on scouting. Do not eat anything that has not been thoroughly researched, because many fruits and plants can look absolutely delicious, but prove to be poisonous. Wild game can also be intercepted for those who have knowledge about trapping or hunting. The important thing to remember while eating venison is that there is a risk of infection with diseases, but it will help to keep the weight of the pack down and will provide you with the variety of diets that you need for longer trips.
For these skilled and experienced campers and tourists, creating a fire can’t be so difficult. However, depending on the climate and the amount of materials available to start a fire can be a difficult task for more inexperienced tourists or campers. To make life in the wild easier, waterproof matches would help in the easy start of a fire. Two flint blocks can also be used and, of course, if everything else fails, two dry poles can give you some amber, which you need to start cooking the fire. Pine straw and other dry plants are ideal for starting the fire, but you will also need to locate larger sources of wood to keep the fire moving for a longer period of time. When you go out for a walk on the wood, you don’t drive alone. If possible, always try to travel with a friend in case of danger.
Navigation can make or break the experience in the natural environment. The environment is usually the same, no matter where you are going. The landmarks are few and far apart. The compass is highly recommended together with a small map of the area you will be staying in. Long sleeves and trousers will help you to protect yourself from injury to brothers and other dangers, as well as restrict the access of fresh skin for insects. If you get lost completely, this outfit should be able to wade through the night in many areas and leave items that are not needed as landmarks to help others follow you or to know if you were walking around. When everything else fails, the weapon of flare should be part of your survival kit. It should be a fire when times are getting harder and harder. Once the flare has been fired, you must stay there.
Some of the more common insects and animals that can be a problem in the environment are leeches, mosquitoes and bears. If for some reason you collect several leeches on your skin, it is important not to remove them without using salt or alcohol. This is due to the fact that you have left the leeches on your skin.